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Senior Living Placement Advisor

Senior Living Placement Advisor 

​​​If you are a United States veteran or surviving spouse of a veteran, you may qualify for the Aid & Attendance Program and receive monthly benefits to help cover the costs of your senior housing and care.

Aid & Attendance is a Federal benefit that was added onto a need-based pension offered through The Department of Veteran Affairs. It provides benefits for veterans and surviving spouses who need assistance with their activities of daily living and meet specific requirements.

You can apply for the Aid & Attendance Improved Pension if you are an any War-Time Veteran with 90 days of active duty, 1 day beginning or ending during a period of War. A surviving spouse (marriage must have ended due to death of veteran) of a War-Time Veteran may also apply. The individual applying must qualify both medically and financially.

To qualify medically, a War-Time Veteran or surviving spouse must need the assistance of another person to perform daily tasks, such as eating, dressing, undressing, taking care of the needs of nature. Being in a nursing home for mental or physical incapacity or residing in an assisted living facility qualifies.

Aid and Attendance can help pay for care in the home, a nursing home or assisted living communities.

Eligibility per month:
Veteran only = $1,830.00
Widower of a Veteran = $1,176.00
Veteran and spouse together = $2,169.00
2 Veterans Married = $2,903.00

Veterans can add this to their $2,000 of SS which would be less money coming out of the savings account. Aid & Attendance can help limit expenses.

If they have long term policies in addition to the veterans amount it will extend the amount of time that they get money.

If Veteran income is over $80,000 they may be denied. They like participants to report less than $80,000. $40,000 seems to be the idle total.

Eligibility must be proven by filing the proper Veterans Application for Pension or Compensation. This application will require a copy of DD-214 or separation papers, Medical Evaluation from a physician, current medical issues, net worth limitations, and net income, along with out-of-pocket Medical Expenses. The time frame of intake a could take couple of weeks but if you need to transfer money it could take up to 45 days. It can take up to 9 to 12 months for VA to actually look at it. It is very important that you plan ahead of time before you actually need this benefit.

​For more information contact Senior Living Placement Advisor at (732)672-2420 or

Veteran's Benefits