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Senior Living Placement Advisor

Senior Living Placement Advisor 

Memory Care

​​Memory Care communities are for seniors with moderate to advanced cognitive or memory impairment. Many residents have some stage of Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a condition with a profound sense of loss: loss of one’s memories, loss of independence, the loss of the ability to recognize loved ones and the loss a dignity. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia affecting millions of Americans.

Memory care communities specialize in memory care services and programs. Memory care communities provide a secured environment to ensure your loved one is being properly and safely cared for. There are several signs that demonstrate that your loved is experiencing memory impairment, such as forgetting a family member, forgetting how you got to a location, not recognizing yourself in the mirror, giving large amounts of money to tele-marketers, accidents occurring as a result of forgetting to turn off the oven or stove and becoming suspicious or paranoid with a spouse on a regular basis.

Many memory care communities will group residents by cognitive level. This makes it easier for social interaction while also allowing them to receive treatment specialized to the level of their memory issues.

When memory loss occurs, it is no longer safe for your loved one to be alone. Memory care communities are intended to allow those who suffer from Alzheimer’s and dementia or other memory loss the assistance they require to live safe and comfortable lives.

​For more information contact Senior Living Placement Advisor at (732)672-2420 or